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Art Journalling

You don’t need to be a famous artist to change the world. In fact, you don’t even need to be particularly good at art. All you need is a willingness to express yourself and an art journal. Art journals are a powerful tool for self-expression and can be used to create positive change in the world. By journaling about your hopes, dreams, and goals, you can begin to bring your dreams into reality. You can also use your art journal to spread awareness about important issues. For example, if you’re passionate about environmental protection, you could fill your journal with drawings of animals and plants. Or, if you’re concerned about social injustice, you could use your journal to share stories and raise awareness about the issue. Whatever your passion, an art journal is a great way to turn your thoughts into action and make a difference in the world.

Time: Continuous

Skill: No technical skills required. 

Ages: 13+

Join the Art Journalling For Change Challenge

Nothing will get you into the habit of creatively expressing yourself and overcoming the fear of a blank page quite like art journalling once a week. Set time aside each week for you to reflect, relax, and get creative in your art journal, with our 3 month Art Journalling for Change Challenge. We’ll give you a different prompt every single week for an entire year, as well as access to tips & tricks, so that you can develop new skills and creative confidence while creating an art journal unique pages while you explore your role in the social change ecosytem!

Religious journal

Art journaling is a form of creative self-expression that combines the elements of both writing and Visual art. It can be used as a tool for personal reflection, or as a means of capturing everyday moments and thoughts. Unlike a traditional diary, an art journal is not limited to words; it often includes sketches, photographs, and other mementos. The beauty of art journaling is that there are no rules; anything goes. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or someone who’s never picked up a paintbrush, you can create a meaningful journal that reflects your unique perspective. So go ahead and express yourself; the only requirement for art journaling is that it brings you joy.

The practice of art journaling dates back to the 13th century, when medieval monks would create illuminated manuscripts containing both writing and images. These beautiful works of art were used as a way to record religious texts, and often included elaborate illustrations and calligraphy. In the centuries that followed, many artists used journals as a way to document their travels and daily observations. The famed Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh was an avid journaler, and his intimate letters to his brother Theo provide insights into both his artistic process and his inner thoughts. Today, art journaling has been embraced by artists of all levels of experience as a way to express themselves creatively. Whether used for self-exploration or simply as a record of everyday life, art journals can be a powerful tool for self-expression.

Though there is no wrong way to create an art journal, there are a few things you can do to get started. First, choose a notebook that is the right size for you and that has pages that are thick enough to hold up to paint and other mediums. Next, decide what kind of journal you want to create. You may want a visual diary, where you document your life through photos and illustrations, or a more traditional journal, where you write about your thoughts and experiences. Once you have your supplies and know what kind of journal you want to create, the sky is the limit! Get creative and have fun exploring different mediums and techniques.

Art journal open
Art journal
Art journal
Art journal